Tuesday, May 18, 2010


I was just flipping through a old diary and found something I had written months back...

Completed my Project at a well known Govt. Bank.

A great experience, academic wise and also about people generally.

People are good; people are bad.
People are helping; people are selfish.
Loyalty usually goes unnoticed; laziness gets rewarded with extra benefits and
lazy people somehow become a part of the furniture. (furniture can at least
be used ;) )
Be Positive; Listen to your Heart.
Never talk behind the back.
If u feel something is wrong, try to fix it, if you can't don't interfere.

Govt. employees also are loyal..
If you happen to come across any unfit Govt. Employee please don't brand them as "Govt. employees so..." There are efficient employees also who are always ready to help you, but required you have a little patience, treat them as human and not machine.

Too much of philosophy?? i know... ;)